Saturday, January 24, 2015

Pushing CG Further - "Kirkev Park"

I think the animation industry is suffering from a "Safe Zone" epidemic. Companies are investing 100-200 million in CG films now and they are scared to take risks. And when or if they do, they are so scared they do not invest in marketing the film and they lose money and reassure themselves the safe-zone is the best-zone.

I was inspired by this Fauvist, Matisse Painting below and wondered what it would look like if we took it into the CG world. So I changed to composition and "Rendered" it to a place  I liked. In hindsight my representation could be pushed further in set design, shape language, and broadness of color.

Check out this Eyvind Earle (Top) and Maurice Nobel (Bot) illustrations from the 1960s, that would be super cool to see in CG vs the randomly generated realistic trees we are use too now.

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